Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bags Of Studs and Chains.......

Talk about embellishments! That seems to be what they all have in common.

I'm Talking about the bags of the season! These rock inspired bags come in tons of shapes, sizes, and colors. Some of my favorites of the season are offered at some of my favorite places like, ZARA, and just to name a few.

Tip #1- When rocking these studded beauties remember to never add more studs to your look. I have a rule which states, there is a maximum of one other piece with an edgy feel and if I had to choose which piece it would for sure be a crazy biker or bomber jacket.

Tip #2- Offset your studs and chains with softer pieces such as silk frocks and any other light femme fabrics.

For me the best thing about these on trends bags are the fact that they will be around for a while so you can splurge a little.Invest in at least one quality bag with chained strap details such as the one pictured in this post (available at That one bag will give you that extreme feminine edge to bring out the rocker sheik chick in you!

Until next post, stay fashionably focused


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